June 14, 2011 12.45 pm This story is over 158 months old

Breastfeeding Roadshow comes to Lincoln

Best feeding: A campaign to encourage mums to breastfeed in public will be visiting the county.

NHS Lincolnshire is lending support to breastfeed Lincoln babies during Breastfeeding Awareness Week this month.

Despite the Equality Act 2010 made it illegal to stop a woman breastfeeding in public places, some women are still put off.

From June 19 to 25, health professionals, mothers and breastfeeding groups will be promoting the message that it’s okay to breastfeed in public places through various events.

The roadshow’s bus will be visiting Lincoln and Gainsborough throughout the awareness week.

Lincoln mum Katie Skuse is the face of the new campaign for breastfeeding equality.

She said: “I was happy to be involved in the campaign to promote breastfeeding.

“Mums shouldn’t feel uncomfortable to breastfeed in public places and there are plenty of support groups available for people who want to meet other mums and ask questions about breastfeeding.”

Infant Feeding Co-ordinator for LCHS NHS Trust Julie Cantwell said: “The public are invited to join us for the breastfeeding bus roadshow.

“People can find out where the nearest support group is, talk to health professionals about breastfeeding and the Equality Act, whilst having the chance to win prizes and giveaways.

“Additional events are taking place at Children’s Centres and local support groups across Lincolnshire, thanks to our pro-active breastfeeding support workers and volunteers.”

For more information about breastfeeding and nearest support groups, visit the NHS Lincolnshire website.

Source: NHS Lincolnshire | Photo: Micheal Hanlon