June 10, 2011 12.55 pm This story is over 156 months old

County drought to have little effect on public

Drought: Lincolnshire is officially in drought, along with other parts of England, because of the dry spring weather.

Lincolnshire is officially in drought, along with other parts of England, because of the dry spring weather.

The Environment Agency explained a drought happens when a period of low rainfall creates a shortage of water for people and businesses.

The ‘near drought’ state of the county is owed to a dry spring, when Lincoln experienced its driest March for 40 years.

However, Anglian Water, who said earlier in the year that there will be no hosepipe ban this summer for the region, was quick to reassure that the drought declaration will have little effect on public water supplies.

Ciaran Nelson, from Anglian Water, said: “Our reservoirs are currently a little less than 90% full, which is exactly where we’d expect it to be at this time of year. And because our underground aquifers are similarly healthy, we don’t envisage introducing any restrictions such as hosepipe bans this year.

“This is because, even in a ‘normal’ year, this part of the country only gets two-thirds of the rainfall of the rest of the country, so you could say that we’re constantly rehearsing for a drought anyway.”

Instead Anglian Water said the drought declaration is a reminder to people not to waste water.

Environment secretary, Caroline Spelman, said water companies across England are “confident that supplies are high enough so that widespread restrictions to the public are unlikely”.

Spelman added: “We’re doing all we can to reduce the impact on agriculture and wildlife, but everyone can play their part.

“Households know how to use less water and everyone can do their bit to use water more wisely, not only through the summer, but throughout the year.”

Agriculture has been particularly affected by the dry weather and the Environment Agency is helping by looking into ways to make water resources last for longer.

June 10 also sees the second drought summit meeting where farmers, water companies, utility companies and environment groups will discuss how to save water, share resources and sort out plans for future dry conditions.

Here are some tips from Anglian Water to save water:

  • Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth
  • Use the shower instead of the bath
  • Keep water cool by putting it in the fridge rather than running the tap until it is cold
  • Wash vegetables and dishes out of a bowl, not the sink. This water can then be used to water the garden
  • Water the garden in the evening, and use a watering can and a water-butt rather than a hose.
Source: DEFRA l Related Report: BBC Lincolnshire l Photo: Jeremy Page