July 14, 2011 12.44 pm This story is over 155 months old

Lincoln MP welcomes BSkyB bid withdrawal

In agreement: Karl McCartney voted for stopping the BSkyB bid by Rupert Murdoch.

Lincoln’s Conservative MP, Karl McCartney, has told The Lincolnite he supports media giant Rupert Murdoch’s decision to withdraw his bid to buy the whole of broadcasting company BSkyB.

Labour tabled an Opposition Day motion, titled “This House believes that it is in the public interest for Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation to withdraw their bid for BSkyB”, which drew cross-party support.

Before the debate had even started yesterday afternoon, News Corporation, owned by Rupert Murdoch, announced it would be withdrawing its bid to take 100% control of BSkyB.

Murdoch currently owns 39% of the company.

McCartney was at yesterday’s House of Commons debate.

He asked if the debate “also flag[s] up the issue of dual share structures” where the “owners of one class of share, such as the class A non-voting shareholders of News International, have no voting rights”.

You can watch the entire debate here.