July 19, 2011 1.57 pm This story is over 155 months old

Public meeting over Queen’s Park closure

Public meeting: Members of the community are invited to a meeting regarding the fate of a special school.

A special meeting of the City Council’s Community Leadership Scrutiny Committee will be held on Wednesday July 20 to discuss the future of Queen’s Park School.

The public meeting, which will be held at 6pm at Lincoln Drill Hall, will gauge opinion on Lincolnshire County Council’s plans to close the “outstanding” special needs school.

County Council representatives will present the proposals and answer questions from committee members and the public.

Representatives from the Lincolnshire Parents Carers Council and Lincoln ADHD will also attend.

Parents of children at the school have been rallying support to keep the school open with a petition.

Councillor Ric Metcalfe, Leader of City of Lincoln Council, said: “Having received the consultation documents from Lincolnshire County Council regarding the proposal to close Queen’s Park School in August 2013, the council and councillors have been contacted by a number of parents and local people, who are concerned about the overall proposal and the consultation process.

“We want to know that a full and meaningful consultation will take place, that properly takes into account everyone’s concerns and which safeguards the interests of the children at Queen’s Park.

“We would like to seek answers to the questions that parents and local people have.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Google Street View