July 14, 2011 9.37 am This story is over 155 months old

Top 100 businesses to help improve city

Help wanted: The City of Lincoln Council leader is asking for local businesses to work together with the authority.

The Leader of the City of Lincoln Council, Ric Metcalfe, is throwing his door open to Lincoln businesses, charities and organisations to see how they can work better with the authority.

With financial pressures and many organisations working separately towards common goals, Councillor Metcalfe is writing to 100 ‘top partners’ with influence in Lincoln to see what can be achieved by working together.

Education establishments, construction companies, public sector organisations, charities and transport businesses have been asked if they can work with the council on “matters which are of common concern, and where there may be scope for further collaboration to tackle the challenges faced by the city.”

Amongst the organisations is the University of Lincoln, Nomad Trust, Lincolnshire Co-operative Society Ltd and Lincoln BIG.

The council recently announced its five strategic priorities: reduce poverty and disadvantage, increase the amount of affordable housing, improve the council’s role as housing landlord, reduce the city’s carbon footprint and be a “fit for purpose” council.

Councillor Metcalfe, said: “We have set out our priorities for the council and the city, but we know we can’t do everything ourselves.

“Whether that’s businesses and organisations joining us in our aspiration to reduce the city’s carbon footprint, or helping us to reduce disadvantage in Lincoln by creating employment opportunities, I’m sure there are things that can be done.

“I’m looking forward to hearing from organisations across the city to discuss what we can do for each other to achieve our goals.”

In the letter, Councillor Metcalfe also introduced the new Community Leadership Scrutiny Committee, which aims to scrutinise the work and decisions of external organisations.

He states that they may be asked to attend meetings of this committee and asks that they work with the council to “improve the wellbeing of the city.”