August 26, 2011 11.45 am This story is over 160 months old

‘Declining’ Lawn to be sold off

Selling off: The Lawn in uphill Lincoln will be sold off due to not providing a good enough revenue to the City Council.

The City of Lincoln Council has decided to sell off parts of The Lawn complex due to no longer being a good financial asset for tourism.

Originally, the authority bought The Lawn for £400,000 over three decades ago.

The council is proposing to sell the Main Lawn complex, the freehold of Charlotte House, the conservatory and the south car park.

The south lawn may also be sold off, depending on responses to a public notice of the disposal. Most of the areas up for sale will remain open to the public.

A council’s report noted the declining profile of The Lawn, its limited use as a tourist destination, the cost of new repairs and maintenance and a net revenue deficit, as factors in the potential sale.

The report states: “The Lawn has been considered by the Council’s Executive who assessed whether the building should be retained; taking into account relevance, value for money and affordability and to assess whether the building is adding to council priorities, in order to make a decision for rationalisation or release.

“Against these factors Executive have identified that there is a persuasive case to sell the Lawn in order to ensure that there is appropriate investment in this grade 2 listed building and to more align with the Councils priorities regarding growing the economy etc.”

A Conservation Management Plan will be put in place to make sure The Lawn is maintained properly.

Those interested in buying parts of The Lawn can put in bids by informal tender — this means that a price will be given depending on the use of the complex.

Councillor Ric Metcalfe, Leader of the City of Lincoln Council said: “This has been a difficult decision, but is the right one, because the council is not in a position to put in the long-term investment required to make best use of The Lawn and its associated facilities.

“The maintenance burden to the council continues to increase and the facility isn’t aligned with our new priorities for the city.

“However, we are keen to protect the public open spaces surrounding The Lawn, in particular the West Lawn and the recently refurbished play area. These areas, as well as public car parking, will remain in the ownership of the council.

“When a deal is eventually completed it will be in the best interests of the people of Lincoln and we will not just sell to the highest bidder.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Lincolnian Brian