August 10, 2011 10.19 am This story is over 154 months old

Families have food-related heritage fun

Food fun: People visiting a heritage site in the city could enjoy food-related activities while learning about medieval history.

Visitors had fun with food on Tuesday, August 9, at an event held at Lincoln’s St Katherine’s Heritage Centre.

The public were invited to explore the site’s 900 years of history through various activities, from making a feast out of craft material, to smelling and feeling herbs that would have been used on the site in medieval times.

A selection of Victorian and medieval costumes were also available to dress up in, as well as some medieval games and archaeological exploration activities.

Heritage development manager Kathy Holland said: “These activity days are aimed at families, but we have all kind events: musical events, talks – a whole variety really.”

St Katherine’s, situated at the end of High Street, stands upon the original site of the Priory of St Katherine, founded in 1148, and was opened as a Heritage centre in February 2010.

“We have been trying to encourage people to come down to St Katherine’s and have a look at the interactive displays that tell the story of the history of the site,” Holland said.

“A lot of people are very surprised when they walk through the front door. People think of it just as a church, but it has such a rich history.

“It goes right back to medieval times, and before that really. A major Roman road use to pass outside.

“It was a very important Priory in medieval times. It is actually a Gilbertine Priory. Hidden beneath the floor are the original walls, which visitors can actually come and see.”

Holland also briefly outlined the next event scheduled for August 11: “What happened previously is we did an event on Camelot, and it proved so popular people said could you do something about Merlin? So that’s what we’re doing this Thursday.”

“We’ll be doing things like hats, wands, story scrolls, that type of thing, and also bringing in the links to King Arthur.”

Admission is free, with an extra £1 for craft activities. A full listing of events can be found on The St Katherine’s website.