August 4, 2011 11.37 am This story is over 159 months old

Kids get free sessions to get healthy

Fit Kids: An NHS-funded programme in Lincolnshire will offer a free 12-week course for kids and parents to lose weight.

Lincolnshire families and children are being offered a free course to lose weight.

The 12-week course called Fit Kids is aimed to help 8 to 11-year olds lead healthier lives and will be funded by NHS Lincolnshire.

Lincoln teens are amongst the most overweight in the country and one NHS study found that one in five 11-year-olds are officially obese.

Over 500 children have taken part in the programme since it started last year, and there are 150 free Fit Kids places on offer when it begins again in September.

Family support is essential, so a parent or adult must attend some of the sessions with the children.

Sarah Ferneyhough, Project Manager from Lincolnshire Sports Partnership, said: “Parents can easily over-estimate how active their children are, and portion sizes are often too big.

“The number of overweight children is rising in Lincolnshire, and is above the England average.

“We are fortunate to be able to offer Fit Kids, and the evaluation shows it really does work. Since Fit Kids started last year we have found that children gain confidence and always enjoy the activities.

“The focus of the sessions is absolutely on fun and learning through play and interaction.

“With a better understanding of healthy living as well as taking part in fun games, Fit Kids have a long and lasting impact on the families, and the changes are incredible.”

Courses will take place twice weekly in Lincoln and across the county from September to December 2011.

Photo: Lisa Clarke