September 8, 2011 10.08 am This story is over 153 months old

Brayford car park to close for resurfacing

Resurfacing: The Lucy Tower car park will be partly closed until the end of October for maintenance work.

The Lucy Tower multi-storey council car park on Brayford Pool will be partly closed from Monday, September 12, until the end of October.

The City Council will carry out resurfacing work on floors seven to 12 of the car park, as part of a regular car park maintenance programme.

To minimise disruption, the top floors are being resurfaced first and floors one to six will remain open.

It is expected the car park will reopen in time for the Christmas shopping period.

During the works, the nearest alternative council car parks to Lucy Tower are on Motherby Lane, Beaumont Fee and Thornbridge.

Rod Williamson, City Services Team Leader at the council, said: “We apologise for any inconvenience that the part closure may cause.

“We have started with the top floors in order to minimise disruption and will reopen again in time for the busy Christmas shopping period.

“The lower floors will be resurfaced in the spring,” Williamson added.

Lucy Tower car park has 424 parking bays and 11 disabled spaces.

As previously reported, photocell sensors were also installed at Lucy Tower car park, which adjust the lighting according to natural light in order to save money.

Source: City of Lincoln Council