September 19, 2011 7.31 am This story is over 160 months old

County Council appoints new deputy leader

Deputy duty: Councillor Eddy Poll was announced as the new deputy leader of Lincolnshire County Council.

Eddy Poll was appointed as the new deputy leader of Lincolnshire County Council. He succeeds former councillor Barry Singleton, who passed away in late July.

Councillor Poll will also continue as the executive member for economic development, overseeing regeneration, tourism and cultural services in the county.

“Barry will certainly be a hard act to follow. He was passionate about his work, and his loss will be keenly felt,” Poll said.

“But I look forward to the challenges this new role will bring, and will do my best to follow Barry’s sterling example.”

Councillor Martin Hill, leader of the County Council, said: “Eddy is taking on this role under sad circumstances. However, I’m sure he’ll be a worthy successor to Barry.

“Eddy has done some exceptional work in his executive position, playing a pivotal role in projects such as the Teal Park development and the planned improvements at Lincoln Castle.

“These are achievements that will benefit the county for years to come. I’m sure he’ll bring that same level of dedication to his new responsibilities.”

Councillor Singleton’s portfolio of work has been divided between Councillor Hill and Councillor Kelly Smith, executive member for finance and HR.

Councillor Hugo Marfleet has been named as Councillor Hill’s new support councillor.

Source: Lincolnshire County Council