September 30, 2011 3.25 pm This story is over 155 months old

Voice of Lincoln: Carbon footprints

Environmentally aware: The Lincolnite asked the people of Lincoln what they thought the council could do to tackle carbon footprints.

Figures show the average Lincolnite generates six tonnes of CO2 per year. Although the local councils say they are already doing a substantial amount to help reduce our carbon footprint, a recent councillors’ debate indicated that they are keen to do more.

The Lincolite asked people on the street whether they thought Lincoln could do more to reduce its carbon footprint.

Abby Perry

Abby Perry, 18, student

“I moved up here for university, I come from Lowestoft, as a community we always try to come up with new ideas to reduce the carbon foot print. We have got one of England’s biggest wind turbines and do different projects around that. I think what would be good is if Lincoln tried experimenting with different projects. Maybe getting students and young people involved would be a good way of educating them for the future. Lincoln is such a big city and if everybody got on board it would definitely be achievable.”

Tiffany Thompson

Tiffany Thompson , 18, student

“I think it is a great idea. I came to Lincoln to go to university but come from Sheffield, which is a really big industrial city. I wish they would do more to help the environment. Lincoln is such a pretty city we should do it to help to keep it looking nice as well, but it is full of some really nice people so I am sure it would be achievable.”

Richard Jennings

Richard Jennings, 27

“I haven’t heard of any plans yet. It is a good idea in theory. I believe that climate change is happening and even if it wasn’t happening, we should still reduce our carbon footprint, cut down on fuel emissions and all that. I support anything that is good for the environment and good for the world. It is achievable theoretically but I don’t have enough faith in the human race. We are too selfish to do anything and we probably won’t until it is too late.”

Gina Carter

Gina Carter, 21

“I think it is definitely the way forward. I’m not sure what their action plans are exactly, it will maybe become clearer as we find out more about what looks like whether it is something that will work. But hopefully, if enough people get behind it, we can make a difference.”


Mina, 20

“I think it is a brilliant idea. I think it is achievable, but I don’t know whether the people of Lincoln will go for it.”

Main Photo: Leonski

Chelsea studied English Literature at Kingston University London and has also completed a work experience placement at Morton’s Media. She loves reading, dancing and visiting National Trust sites.