October 20, 2011 10.09 am This story is over 152 months old

City Council makes budget consultation interactive

Budget balance: The City of Lincoln launched an online consultation into its budget, which lets residents try to balance the books.

The City of Lincoln Council is asking residents how they would spend a budget of £25 million with the help of an interactive website.

Called You Choose, the council’s campaign is tasking residents with balancing the books for the authority, which looks over 90,000 people.

The website brings a real-life challenge for the council into residents hands:

They have to provide statutory and non-statutory services in Lincoln with a reduced budget, whilst also coping with a 0% rise in council tax.

The City Council says the choices will then be fed back to its five-year strategic plan, set to be published in April 2012.

Ric Metcalfe, Leader of the City Council, said: “We have ideas about our own priorities, but it’s no use making decisions about services without having an idea about the public’s opinion.

“The beauty of You Choose is that it gives people a real insight into the decisions facing councillors. This is a chance for Lincoln people to affect the services they get from their local council.”

The consultation will be available online until 5pm on Friday, November 18.

Source: City of Lincoln Council