October 10, 2011 12.23 pm This story is over 152 months old

University of Lincoln hosts coding convention

Hackathon: University students will take part in a three-day Lincoln coding event to create new and useful applications.

University students in computer science across the country will be gathering in Lincoln to take part in a winter weekend non-stop ‘hackathon’.

The hackathon, called the DevXS Conference, will be held at the Engine Shed and see students compete against the clock to create new web applications.

The applications should improve university life and be formed by making use of currently available ‘open-source’ (free for others to use and adapt) software and data.

Students will be split into teams, then given refreshments, fast internet provisions and tools to help them start developing.

Their only breaks will be to eat, sleep and listen to talks from industry professionals, who are yet to be announced.

At the end of the event presentations will be held demonstrating products, followed by prizes for the most imaginative and useful.

If a project is very promising, it also has a chance to be turned into a real service for use.

Event organiser Joss Winn from the University of Lincoln said: “The beauty of open source and open data is that you can work quickly and collaboratively.

“You can take existing technologies and data and start piecing things together.

“There’s some original code writing involved too but a lot of it is about finding creative new ways to bring together what’s already out there.

“The challenge we’re setting the teams is to create new tools which could improve university life for students and staff.

“The key is that students are at the heart of it. We know there’s a lot of talent around. This is a chance for students to show us what they can do.”

DevXS is organised by the University of Lincoln and the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) funded DevCSI (Developer Community Supporting Innovation) project.

Students interested in taking part in the event, starting at 2pm on November 11, can find out more or register on the DevXS website.

Source: University of Lincoln | Photo: DevXS