November 1, 2011 9.55 am This story is over 158 months old

Hospital pledge to improve breast cancer services

Breast cancer: Lincoln County Hospital is trying to improve its breast cancer patient care services.

Lincoln County Hospital aims to improve its breast cancer patient care services.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) and Breakthrough Breast Cancer have been asking breast cancer patients at the hospital what improvements they would like to see, and their opinions on the service they got.

Through the results, the team developed a service pledge, which sets outs standards of care, future service improvements and how patients can voice an opinion.

Anyone diagnosed with breast cancer in Lincoln will receive the pledge in a booklet, so they know what service to expect.

Jo Divver, a Breast Care Nurse, will be organising a launch event for the pledge on November 18 at the hospital.

“The pledge has been tried and tested at a number of hospitals around the country.

“The new pledge booklet that patients will receive provides clear information, outlining what people can expect as well as helping to provide reassurance.

“We have been really pleased with the amount of feedback we have received from patients, this has really been the basis of the pledge, and has allowed us to put together a credible well-targeted booklet for new patients to read.”

There will also be launch events at the Boston Pilgrim Hospital and Grantham Hospital for the same pledge.

The event will begin at the hospital at 3pm, and last for around two hours.

Source: ULHT