December 8, 2011 10.18 am This story is over 150 months old

In pictures: Hundreds attend Lincs Tweet Meet

Socialites: More than 200 people attended Lincs Tweet Meet to meet face-to-face their Twitter friends.

More than 200 people attended Lincs Tweet Meet on Wednesday, December 7, at The Showroom on Tritton Road in Lincoln.

The event is an opportunity for Lincoln’s Twitter community to meet face-to-face, enjoying networking and guest speakers.

Guest speakers included Liam LallyCelia LacyPaul Banton and Sally Crawford who talked about using social media to promote events, businesses and how to make life easier with social media apps.

The first Lincs Tweet Meet was held in June this year and the event’s organisers Lava, Epix Media, Laser Red and Ruddocks are happy to see it growing.

Director of Lava, Matt Hammerton said: “The interest in the event just goes to show how social media is becoming more mainstream.”

Closing the event was a charity raffle that raised just over £200 for the Showroom’s youth charity; the last event’s raffle funded two new pool tables for the centre.

Photos by Dominic Clark for The Lincolnite