December 19, 2011 12.06 pm This story is over 152 months old

Lincoln children’s wards get £500 toys donation

Hospital donation: Local company gives £500 to go towards toys and games for children’s wards at Lincoln County Hospital.

Jo Welsh, group accountant from Witham Oil and Paint, and Donna Wilkinson, Playworker at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust.

The Rainforest and Safari children’s wards at Lincoln County Hospital received a donation of £500 to go towards toys and games.

Witham Oil and Paint Ltd have an annual charity dinner dance which five charities are nominated. Local businesses donate gifts which are auctioned off to raise money for the charities chosen.

The toys and games will be used in the day room and waiting areas.

Jo Welsh, Group Accountant from Witham Oil and Paint, said: “The toys have been donated from the company following a staff fundraising dinner and auction event earlier in the year, where we were celebrating over 90 years of trading.

“Witham Oil and Paint is a family run business and the children’s ward at Lincoln hospital is very dear to a few hearts in the business, as it has helped some of the staff’s children here on a number of occasions.”

Donna Wilkinson, Playworker at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “The wards were very pleased and grateful for the donation.

“We were able to choose toys that we would like for our paediatric areas. The toys are now being used and enjoyed by the patients.”

Source: ULHT