April 13, 2012 11.33 am This story is over 146 months old

Lincoln Cathedral seeks donations for St Hugh repair

What would you do for St Hugh? Lincoln Cathedral is looking for donations.

Lincoln Cathedral is hoping residents will be able to help raise some money to finish repairs to a part of the iconic building.

The cathedral needs £500,000 to complete the essential repairs to one of St Hugh’s two turrets.

It will cost £2.5 million to finish both turrets, and so far resident donations have totalled £800,000.

The extra £500k is needed for cleaning, repairing, cutting and carving new stones.

While the sum appears large, officials point out that if every Lincolnshire household donated £1.50, the work could be finished.

On May 25, Lincoln Cathedral will host a Fundraising Day to help raise money for the first turret.

Fundraising packs are being delivered to schools and businesses to take part in the event.

It’s hoped the day could be the biggest community fundraising day for the Cathedral in decades.

Fund Development Manager Sally Crawford said: “We know it’s been tough for businesses and families for a while but if everyone gives just a little bit of their time and money it will make a huge difference to the cathedral.

“The cathedral was built as a result of the whole community working together and the result is there for everyone to see.

“We need the community’s help again.”

Community fundraising for the historic building dates as far back as the creation of the place of worship, when everyone in the county raised funds for its erection.

When the cathedral was rebuilt by St Hugh in 1193, it was done so with money raised by the community.

To get a free fundraising pack visit Lincoln Cathedral’s website, email or call 01522 561614.