April 26, 2012 2.43 pm This story is over 153 months old

Opposition against proposed student accommodation

Controversial: A plan to turn a floor of retail building into a student flat has been met with objections from locals.

Despite objections from residents nearby, plans to transform an old office space on Burton Road into student accommodation have been approved.

The proposal, submitted to the City of Lincoln Council’s Planning Department, aims to turn the first floor of a retail unit into a six-bedroom student house.

As well as turning the office unit into housing, the applicant hopes to install roof lights and add windows to the sides of the building.

The ground floor shop will not be altered.

However, a number of nearby residents are opposing the change of use.

Comments include concerns over bin storage, parking issues and the possibly of being overlooked by the proposed windows.

A site visit by the Head of Planning last month concluded that both residential and visual amenities would not be affected by the proposed accommodation.