May 8, 2012 10.22 am This story is over 152 months old

Businesses help St Hugh restoration project

Fundraising: Businesses and schools are beginning to help the cathedral raise money for a turret repair.

Lincoln businesses are trying to help the cathedral’s St Hugh restoration project with a number of events.

As previously reported, Lincoln Cathedral needs to raise £500,000 to complete work on St Hugh’s Spire.

Businesses and schools are now offering help to find the funds for the 800-year-old turret.

The cathedral itself will also do special turret tours on May 25, letting visitors see St Hugh — possibly the last chance to see the turret for the next decade.

Streets Chartered Accountants will be walking from the office on Brayford Wharf to the historic building, asking for donations on the way.

Each member who completes the journey will then buy the postcard from the cathedral shop to send on to family and friends, to help raise more money.

Fundraising: Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, Reverend Philip Buckler, Stephen Smith of Sanctuary Cafe, Rachel Bishop of Bailgate Independent, and Anne Irvine, Trust and Communication Officer at Lincoln Cathedral

Marketing partner James Pinchbeck said: “The cathedral is hugely important to the whole area and we all have a responsibility to ensure this generation does its best to maintain the magnificent building.

“If lots of companies just did a little to help it would make a huge difference and help secure the future of our magnificent heritage.”

Meanwhile, Pinchbeck East Church of England Primary School is organising a cake sale to raise money and The Lawns’ Sanctuary Cafe will host a coffee morning.

The fundraising coffee and cake event at the Sanctuary Cafe on Thursday, May 31 takes place from 9.30 to 11.30. Tickets are £5 per head and include filter coffee, tea or juice and homemade cake.

All profits are going to the St Hugh Appeal. Tickets available from Sanctuary Cafe at The Lawn or from Rachel on 07983 460640.

Dean of the Cathedral Philip Buckler said: “It is a testament to the affection towards this great building that people, even in tough times, will step forward and do their bit to help – and every little bit really does help.

“We would like to thank everyone who is organising or supporting our fundraising efforts. We could not manage without their assistance.”

To get a fundraising pack to found out how you can help, contact the cathedral by email or by calling 01522 561614.