June 28, 2012 9.30 am This story is over 146 months old

Lincoln Olympic Torch Relay – Day 1

Torchbearers: Thousands lined the streets of Lincoln for day one of the Olympic Torch Relay in the city.

Thousands lined the streets of Lincoln on Wednesday, June 27 to watch as the Olympic Torch Relay passed the city.

Here are the proud Lincoln torchbearers.

Photos by Joshua Potter for The Lincolnite

Don’t miss:

Keith Hebblewhite, 75, from Lincoln, is an amateur runner for more than 35 years. First marathon was the London marathon in which he raised over £1000 for the Vera Dean charity for the terminally ill which enabled Lincoln City to buy its first body scanner.

Jade Etherington, 21, from Bourne, partially sighted student of Geography and Education at Bishop Grosseteste. She recently won a gold and three silver medals in the Paralympic World Cup.

Tim Isterling, 20, from Surbiton, volunteers working with young people, preparing and delivering youth drop in sessions and childrens after school clubs. Born with a cleft lip – overcome this to have no impact on his work or speech.

Henry Gregory, 13, from Lincoln, is a trampolinist, and it is his ambition to compete in the Olympic games in the future. He has been British champion representing GB.

Zoe Homes, 31, a Marketing and Recruitment officer at the University of Lincoln, nominated by family through the Coca Cola Future Flames scheme.

Aidan Smith, 18, England Athletics ‘Young Volunteer of the Year’ joint winner for the East Midlands

Stuart Parker, 53, has been a retained firefighter for 8 years. A keen sportsman, he has completed many marathons and ultra runs. At 50 a new challenge loomed. He took up swimming lessons and entered the world of triathlons.

Phil Molefe, 53, from Johannesburg, a journalist for 30 years, working for several South African publications, including SASPU National, Weekly Mail and The Star.

Louise Nelson, 21, from Lincoln, has 3rd Dan Black Belt and is in her final year of university, where she finds time to teach her own classes, work with schools and also on council safety courses.

David Hereward, 33, from Spilsby, is a judo coach at Spilsby Judo Club.

Simran Samra, 26, from London, fundraises for little-known charities working around child-abduction.

Sue Holland-Leavens, 52, from Spalding, Walks with the aid of a stick due to congenital hip defect with arthritis of the spine. Fundraiser for Hemi Help (charity for children and young people with hemiplegia.

Nicolas Hope, 33, from Lincoln, delivers (volunteer) activities for young people, including the project known as Stand Up Speak Up.This project is aimed at using sport to bring young people of different nationalities together outside of the school setting.

Jules Hanks, 46, from Sleaford, climbed Kilimanjaro for dental charity Bridge2Aid last summer – raised nearly £4k that will go towards dental access in East Africa.