September 26, 2012 9.44 am This story is over 141 months old

Lincoln parents get free reusable nappies in trial

New nappies: Parents wondering if reusable nappies are the right choice from them can get useful advice and incentives to go green.

Parents in Lincoln who considered trying reusable nappies to lower how many nappies end up in landfill can claim a free trial pack and advice.

Lincolnshire County Council are funding a scheme to reduce the waste from disposable nappies left in the landfill, with the help of volunteers from Lincolnshire Real Nappy Network.

Lincolnshire Real Nappy Network will be on hand to give advice to parents who are sure where to start with their transition to cloth nappies.

Cloth nappies have the potential to save families £500 a year, including the cost of washing and drying them, and can be saved for future children. They come in a range of sizes and colours.

Victoria Frodsham, sustainability education officer said: “The nappies have been very popular so far, parents are surprised how easy they are to use.

“These trial kits give people the opportunity to try different styles of reusables, from the traditional terry square to the more modern and easy-to-use nappies.

“Parents can then work out which ones they prefer, before they take the plunge. Using real nappies saves money, they are made out of natural fabric, and using them reduces the 9,500 tonnes of disposable nappies currently being thrown into county landfill sites.”

Mum Becki Caig is a volunteer co-ordinator for the Real Nappy Network. She said: “I always planned to use real nappies, but being a first time mum it took me a while to find my feet and when I did look into it I struggled to get my head around all the different types of nappy.

“I switched to cloth nappies when my daughter was about 10 weeks old after getting fed up of leaks and regularly having to change entire outfits! I bought a few different cloth nappies to try and couldn’t believe how easy they were to use – poo explosions were completely contained.

“Within a few weeks I was using cloth nappies full time and never looked back. My husband is now a complete convert to real nappies, and he tries to persuade other new dads to consider using them.

“We welcome any queries, and are always on hand to answer any questions and help solve any problems, so making the transition to real nappies couldn’t be easier!”

In addition to a trial kit, Lincolnshire parents can also claim £30 cashback when they spend over £50 on reusable nappies.