September 27, 2012 11.17 am This story is over 141 months old

Local businessman becomes Lincolnshire Sports Chairman

Promoting sports: Former Lincolnshire Echo editor is new Lincolnshire Sports Partnership Chairman.

Barrie Pierpoint hands over to Jon Grubb

Lincolnshire Sports Partnership has announced that a local businessman is to take over as Chairman.

Jon Grubb, who own Lincolnshire PR firm Grubb Street Media, has taken over the role at the partnership’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 26, as outgoing Chairman Barrie Pierpoint retired.

As Chairman, Mr Grubb will guide the Board of Trustees and Directors and promote the partnership throughout Lincolnshire.

Mr Grubb has 22 years of experience in the media industry, working for newspapers in Buckinghamshire, Gloucester and Nottingham. He has also been an Editor for the Scunthorpe Telegraph and the Lincolnshire Echo in the past ten years.

He is currently a Senior Visiting Fellow of the University of Lincoln Business School and the Media Faculty, Member of the Board of Lincolnshire Crimestoppers and Chairman of Lincoln Book Festival.

Jon Grubb said: “I’m passionate about the county. It’s a fantastic place to live and work and having grown up and worked here I want to do something to help enhance the excellent quality of life. Sport and physical activity is important to the health and well-being of the community and our elite athletes can bring pride and recognition to the area.”

Lincolnshire Sports Partnership offers guidance and support to more than 1,000 voluntary and community sports groups across Lincolnshire.

Their new Chairman is also a Member of the Lincoln Cathedral Business Advisory Group, Lay governor at Lincoln College and a Member of the Lincolnshire Business Convention Organising Committee.

Janet Inman, Chief Executive of Lincolnshire Sports Partnership, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming Jon to the Board. He brings a wealth of experience and local knowledge and I know he is very keen to ensure that we increase the number of people leading a healthy, sporting lifestyle across Lincolnshire.”