November 27, 2012 11.55 am This story is over 139 months old

Help for young business start-ups in Lincoln

Helping hand: The Prince’s Trust is holding an event in Lincoln to help people turn business ideas into reality.

For those under 30 considering starting a business, an Explore Enterprise Workshop in Lincoln by The Prince’s Trust could help.

The event at Lincoln City Football Club on December 10-13 aims to help young people in the city put their business ideas into practice.

Each day looks at different aspects of launching a business.

Day one covers personal goals, skills and money, day two focuses on marketing and selling, day three focuses on HMRC, pricing and managing money while day four will look at business plans, mentoring, practical sessions and next steps.

As well as workshops, there will also be speakers at the event, such as business mentors, a HMRC tax/book keeping speaker and other young entrepreneurs.

The Explore Enterprise event will run between 9.30am and 4pm each day.

The Prince’s Trust aims to provide young people in the UK with useful advice and grants of up to £1,500 to set up a business.

In addition to various levels of funding, new companies will also be provided with business mentors to help guide entrepreneurs for the first two years of the start up, and given access to various beneficial events and workshops.

When one man in Lincoln was made redundant at the decorating company he was an apprentice with, he decided to use his new knowledge by working for himself with the help of The Price’s Trust.

Declan Nattrass (19) turned to the Trust to help set up his own decorating company, Dec’s Decorating, in which he received £900 in a grant.

He now gets requests from residential and business sectors in and around Lincoln, with business lined up.

He said: “My business is going really well. I am getting lots of enquiries and am busy with lots of work which fills my week.

“I mainly work on my own but occasionally for big jobs I recruit the help of some additional workers.

“The Prince’s Trust really helped me get started and showed me what I needed to have in place before I just launched into it. I’ve found the most helpful aspect the mentor who has helped me get my name out there.”

Anyone interested in self employment, that is either unemployed or working less than 16 hours per week can contact The Prince’s Trust on 0800 842 842.

To attend the event or get more information contact John Holliday on [email protected] or call 01522 808518.

Source: The Prince’s Trust | Photo: George Hodan