November 28, 2012 11.37 am This story is over 139 months old

New chief executive for Lincoln Arts Trust

New leader: A city arts charity has appointed a new chief executive to work alongside the director of Lincoln Drill Hall.

Lincoln Arts Trust has announced Chris Kirkwood (pictured) will become its new Chief Executive.

Chris Kirkwood is currently the Executive Director of Nottingham-based New Perspectives Theatre Company, but also frequently attends events at the Drill Hall.

The Lincoln Arts Trust charity owns and runs Lincoln Drill Hall, and the post will begin in March 2013, at the same time changes happen at the entertainment venue.

Simon Hollingworth is the current Director of Lincoln Drill Hall, but in April his role will change to become the part-time Artistic & Strategic Director.

Simon has directed the venue since it became independent in October 2010 from the City of Lincoln Council, and was the manager for six years before that.

He said: “Chris is exactly the kind of person the trustees were looking for. Passionate, knowledgeable, resourceful, energetic and hugely likeable.

“I know he is going to make a really significant positive impact on our organisation and I am really looking forward to working with him.”

Chris Kirkwood said: “I’m delighted to be taking up the role of Chief Executive of Lincoln Drill Hall.

“I have had a close affinity with the venue in both a professional capacity and as an audience member. The Drill Hall provides the cultural heartbeat to Lincoln and I can’t wait to lead this wonderful organisation in an exciting new phase of development.”

Source: Lincoln Arts Trust