December 18, 2012 10.43 am This story is over 145 months old

Homeless Lincoln man gets 10 years jail for stabbing friend

Found guilty: A local man has been sentenced in relation to a fatal stabbing of another local man which happened earlier in the year.

A homeless man who stabbed a friend after a stealing spree in Lincoln was jailed for 10 years by Lincoln Crown Court.

Mark Titley (38) pleaded guilty to manslaughter over the death of Gary Hayes (44) on April 14.

The pair had argued on their way back from stealing bread and milk from Lincoln County Hospital. During a fight, Titley stabbed Hayes in the chest.

The wound passed through his ribs and penetrated his heart. Hayes collapsed on Portland Street in the early hours of the morning.

A friend who was with the pair, Benjamin Freeston (32), stayed with the victim and called for an ambulance, while Titley walked away.

Titley called the police, hiding his identity, then lied about what had taken place, and also claimed he stayed with Hayes, when actually he left the scene and disposed of the weapon.

T/DCI Martin Holvey said: “Titley repeatedly lied about the circumstances to cover his tracks and give himself a chance of escape – leaving Mr Hayes to die in his friend’s arms.

“A huge amount of work was done by our officers and those of our partners in EMSOU and this case is yet another example of the benefits of our regional collaboration on major crime.

“From a local perspective, we hope our investigation and the subsequent conviction demonstrates our commitment to tackling serious violence in the county.”