May 2, 2013 11.39 am This story is over 133 months old

Lincoln 10k brought in £280k for local economy

Running for Lincoln: Taking part in the 10k doesn’t just benefit runners, but the city’s economy, according to a recent survey.

The Lincoln 10k Road Race held in the city last month proved to be a popular event to participate in, and also helped the local economy.

According to a survey, £283,544 was spent in Lincoln on that day, providing a boost to a number of local businesses and the city as a whole.

Lincolnshire Sports Partnership conducted an online and paper survey to measure measure the economic impact of the Lincoln 10K on April 7.

Some 396 residents and visitors were asked questions about their time participating or spectating the 10k, and how they spent their money on things such as entertainment, food and accommodation.

It is estimated 11,974 people visited the city during the event. 57.7% visited purely for the 10k.

In the survey, 83.6% of respondents were runners, 13.4% were spectators, and the remaining 3% were reporters, photographers, 10k staff and local residents.

During the day, these people spent their money on:

  • Food and drink- £4265.14
  • Entertainment- £55.00
  • Merchandise- £380.00
  • Shopping- £1387.50
  • Travel- £1159.00
  • Tourist attractions- £116.00
  • Accommodation- £1331.00 (13% stayed in overnight accommodation)

The overall spend is then averaged out between the respondents, and multiplied by the number of 10k visitors to reach the sum of £283k.

Finally, of those surveyed, 98.5% said they would definitely return to the 10k event again.

Marc Rhodes, Events Officer at Lincolnshire Sports Partnership said: “We’re delighted with the results of the survey and to be able to show what a great event the Lincoln 10k is for the city and Lincolnshire as a whole.

“The race is one of the finest in the country attracting people from all over Britain and is a great advert for Lincoln with the course taking in great landmarks like the Cathedral and the Castle.”

John Latham, Director of Development and Environmental Services, said: “The Lincoln 10k is always a fantastic event, which takes in some of the city’s best tourist sites.

“This year we had someone travel from Texas to compete, so it shows that people have taken this event to their hearts.

“The 10k brings around 5,000 runners into the heart of the city, each with an average of one supporter to watch this high profile, prestigious event which helps put Lincoln on the map.

“This brings with it a boost to the economy and shows our continuing commitment to bringing people to Lincoln and supporting the city’s businesses.”