July 4, 2013 4.30 pm This story is over 138 months old

Council to reinvest £2m underspend into Lincolnshire roads

Pothole improvement: Lincolnshire County Council are going to reinvest unused funds into patching Lincolnshire’s potholes.

Lincolnshire County Council will spend £2 million extra on road repairs within the county, after it found additional funds.

In the past financial year, the council underspent its budget, meaning more funding could be bought forward this year.

Councillors decided this would be best spent on filling the county’s potholes, which have worsened recently due to the previous winters.

Accoring to the authority, a record number of potholes have been reported by residents, and the highways team has already patched 50,000 more square metres of surface than the previous year.

Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Member for Highways and Transportation, said: “As a result of strong financial management, we ended the last financial year with a small underspend.

“We have decided to inject £2 million of this surplus into road maintenance – specifically to repair potholes.

“We have already carried out more than 50,000 square metres of surface patching and two million square metres of surface dressing this year – so we are making a difference.

“This extra funding will help us to maintain this intensity and allow us to make improvements to a large part of Lincolnshire’s road network.”