July 29, 2013 2.49 pm This story is over 138 months old

Spike in Lincoln posties bitten by dogs

Beware of the dog: According to the local delivery office, 10 city postal workers have been bitten by dogs in Lincoln over the past 12 weeks.

Staff at the Royal Mail delivery office in Lincoln are pleading to city dog owners to be vigilant with their pets after a sudden spike in attacks on posties.

According to the local delivery office, 10 city postal workers have been bitten by dogs in Lincoln over the past 12 weeks.

They explained on a new sign in the delivery office that there are at least four reasons for posties being caught by dogs, all of which could be avoided if the dog was secured.

The top reason for postal workers being bitten is the dog pushing past its owner when a parcel is handed over, followed by the dog trying to snatch the letters coming through the letterbox.

The other reasons included dogs being loose in the garden or even on the street.

To avoid such incidents, Royal Mail advised owners to secure their dogs before answering the door to collect a parcel, and teaching the dog not to snatch letters at the door.