August 27, 2013 11.33 am This story is over 130 months old

Landscaping project to transform the University of Lincoln

New look: The University of Lincoln will be transforming the walkways around the campus. We get a sneak peek at the designs.

A landscaping company is working with the University of Lincoln transform its Brayford campus to be more inviting to visitors.

As part of the university’s 10-year masterplan, Re-form Landscaping will be transforming the walkways around the campus.

The project revolves around Library Square, the Delph Pond, around the River Witham, the eastern approach along the edge of the Brayford Pool and the north-east quadrant around the Main Admin Building and MHT Building.

Plans include more trees, more outdoor furniture, decking and improved walkways.

Some of the plans also link in with Network Rail’s pedestrian footbridge over the Brayford Wharf East level crossing.

University of Lincoln spokesman Ian Richards said: “As part of our ten-year masterplan for the Brayford Campus, we’re looking at the overall landscaping of communal areas around campus.

“The aim is to create attractive outdoor spaces where our staff, students and visitors can enjoy relaxing and studying together, while preserving and protecting important features, like the Delph Pond.

“The work will be implemented in phases over the next few years, with some changes, like works to the Library Square, beginning this summer.

“Initial designs have been developed by re-form landscape architects, who have created a series of artist’s impressions.

“These proposals need to be considered in the overall context of other planned developments which make up our masterplan, such as the expansion of the library and the School of Engineering.”