August 1, 2013 10.03 am This story is over 135 months old

New Lincoln anti-social clampdown team set up

Not messing about: A new team to tackle anti-social behaviour or nuisance behaviour in Lincoln has been set up by the City Council.

A new team to tackle anti-social behaviour or nuisance behaviour in Lincoln has been set up by the City of Lincoln Council.

Part of the council’s Public Protection and Anti Social Behaviour team, the service will help residents with nuisance neighbours, dog fouling on public and private land, noise issues and street drinking in a more comprehensive fashion.

The new team were put together based on their experience in handling the likes of stray dogs, noise and anti-social behaviour at the council.

They also secured funding for the new service through Lincoln BIG and Community Safety Partnership so they could appoint an Alcohol Intervention Officer.

The position will tackle issues surrounding street drinking and liaise with police and support charities.

Residents with concerns can use the service by calling, emailing or register an issue via the website (available soon), which will go directly to a dedicated team member.

Sam Barstow, Public Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour Manager, said: “We know matters of anti-social behaviour and things that cause a nuisance can have a really negative impact on the lives of people and their wider communities.

“Previously when someone had a problem they would have had to deal with separate teams and often could have felt as though they were being passed around.

“However our aim for this new team is to offer a one stop service so anyone who is already suffering does not have to have the added stress of dealing with different people and having to repeat themselves.

“Anyone who rings up now will have their complaint taken seriously by a specialist member of staff who will be able to deal with the issue from start to finish.”

If you need to report any incidents, call 01522 873378 or email [email protected].