September 27, 2013 1.52 pm This story is over 129 months old

Bishop Grosseteste students return to new look campus

Changes: Students arriving or returning to Bishop Grosseteste University have revamped campus to enjoy.

Students arriving or returning to Bishop Grosseteste University have revamped campus to enjoy.

BGU has spent £6.5 million over the summer improving accommodation, learning spaces and catering areas.

One of the older halls has been replaced with a new hall of residence, called Wickham Hall, for 126 students, plus Constance Stewart Hall has been refurbished. Together, the halls have added 23 more rooms on campus.

As part of Constance Stewart Hall’s refurbishment, the dining facilities have been replaced by a whole new building, plus the university’s cafe Curiositea has been refurbished and enlarged.

A new psychology lab is now on campus for the first year of students studying BGU’s psychology degree too.

The £6.5 million refurb project is just one of several projects around the university over the past year, such as a £2.5 million project to extend the Cornerstone Building for Library Services and Student Support and Learning Advice.

Another £75,000 turned the Bishop Greaves Theatre into The Venue, which is capable of being both a cinema and a stage, plus £25,000 to improve the university’s main entrance.

Stephen Deville, Director of Resources at Bishop Grosseteste University, said: “We have a beautiful campus in uphill Lincoln but we never stand still and we are always looking at ways in which we can improve the student experience here.

“Students are very discerning these days and we’re confident that the investments we’ve made on campus in recent years will make BGU a very attractive destination for them.”