October 16, 2013 10.25 am This story is over 128 months old

Lincoln Ice Rink returns to City Square

Get your skates on: The Lincoln BIG Ice Rink is set to return to the city in time for Christmas.

Lincoln residents and visitors can look forward to the return the popular Lincoln BIG Ice Rink in the city centre this year.

The 25m by 15m rink will be available from November 30 to December 31 at City Square, with family deals up for grabs and special sessions to watch out for, such as Santa Sunday on December 15, where anyone dressed as santa can skate for half price.

On November 30 from 10am, a special opening ceremony will take place at the rink, with Lincs FM presenters compering the event.

To officially open the ice rink, professional skaters Kelly Hemingway and Neil Chilcott will be performing alongside their star trainee team.

The opening ceremony will be performed by Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Patrick Vaughan, and other members of the Civic Party.

More than 2,500 schoolchildren have already reserved sessions on the rink already, and others are invited to book in advance too.

Lincoln BIG Events and Promotions Organiser Rachel Hanson said: “It is great to report that so many school parties have already booked and we want to say a big thank you to Stagecoach for providing free transport for schools in the Lincoln area.

“Once again our Penquin skating aids, which are much-loved by young skaters, will be out on parade.

“We are also having dedicated family-friendly session to suit those with children under three (if the child is under three, the adult goes free).”

Lincoln BIG confirmed that admission prices will be the same as last year.

At peak periods, Child/Concessions are £5.50, Adults are £7.50 and group tickets are also available. Off peak prices will be a discount of a pound.

The ice rink will be open seven days a week, between 10am and 9pm.

For further details regarding booking and prices, see visitlincoln.com/icerink.

Anyone wishing to be a part of the stewarding team should call Rachel Hanson on 01522 842702.