October 2, 2013 10.07 am This story is over 135 months old

Traffic flow changes along Newark Road works

Next phase: After completing one junction off Newark Road, another will have to close for improvement works.

Motorists using Newark Road near the Brant Road junction in Lincoln can expect some more changes to traffic flow this week.

On Wednesday, October 2, traffic lights at Hykeham Road and Rookery Lane have been switched off, meaning no right turn in and out of the junction from Newark Road.

This comes after on October 1 the new traffic lights at the Brant Road junction were switched on.

This means motorists can now turn right into and out of Brant Road from Newark Road.

The number 13 and 14 bus services will be able to run their normal routes, however the number 27 bus will be affected by the changes, amending its route next to The Forum shops.

In addition, on October 7 and 11, work will be done overnight to resurface the new junction and the Brant Road approach on October 12 and 13.

For the latter improvement, this will lead to a daytime closure of the road so work can take place.

The works carried out is part of a major pinch-point improvement works currently in development on along Newark Road.

The £2 million project by Lincolnshire County Council, with £1.3 million from the Department for Transport, aims to cut travel times reduced by two minutes alongside improved junctions, pavements and cycle paths.

The improvement works are expected to be complete by November 22.