January 27, 2014 1.25 pm This story is over 127 months old

Lincoln indoor play area adds cycle storage

Fitness and fun: Staff and customers at Fun Farm Lincoln can now bike to work thanks to new cycle facilities.

A children’s indoor play area in Lincoln has used funds from Access LN6 to add cycle storage to their premises.

Fun Farm off Station Road hopes the cycle facilities will encourage the 40 staff members and even customers to bike to work or leisure.

Five plant locks have been installed at the business by Sustrans through an Access LN6 grant for local businesses.

Fun Farm is the fifth organisation in the LN6 area to install bike stands to encourage more people to cycle.

Peter Coon, Managing Director at Fun Farm Lincoln, said: “We installed the plant lock cycle storage to promote a healthy lifestyle to our staff and customers.

“It was only installed last week and three more staff have already started to cycle, knowing that their bikes will be safe for the day.

“Our aim is to see if we can get a quarter of our staff to cycle to work.”

Trevor Marsh, Active Travel Officer at Sustrans, added: “Through Access LN6, I’ve been working with businesses to remove any barriers to sustainable travel.

“Often this is due to a lack of cycle storage, so our grant provides opportunities for businesses to install storage for their staff and customers, for free.”

Other businesses already using the grant for cycle facilities include Hearing Help, Red Hair and Beauty, Lincoln Bra Lady and Moorland Community Centre.

Businesses interested in cycle storage should contact Trevor Marsh on 07920102872 or email [email protected].