February 5, 2014 10.32 am This story is over 126 months old

Lincolnshire tops most obese counties in England

Obesity issue: Lincolnshire has a weight issue, with two thirds of its residents overweight — one of the worst rates in the country.

Lincolnshire has one of the highest proportion of overweight and obese adults in England, according to a new report.

The 2012 data, compiled by Public Health England, found that Lincolnshire is the most obese county in the East Midlands.

According to the latest statistics, 68.2% of county residents are considered overweight or obese, almost two in every three people.

The average for the entire country is 63.8%, with the East Midlands average score at 65.6%.

Lincolnshire is beaten only by Cumbria, which has an obesity percentage of 68.3%.

A person is classed as overweight if they have a BMI (Body Mass Index) score of 25 to 30, and obese if the score is over 30. A healthy BMI is between 18 and 24.

In the Lincoln district, the figure is at 57.6%, accounting for over half of residents.

This makes the City of Lincoln district the “slimmest” in the county by 7.9%.

The most overweight or obese district in the county is East Lindsey, where 73.8% of residents over overweight.

Also, 25.5% of reception age children in Lincolnshire are considered overweight or obese, higher than the country’s average of 22.2%, with no improvement in Year 6 age children at 34.8% (33.3% country average).

In Lincoln, 25.9% of reception age children are considered overweight or obese, and so are 35.2% of Year 6 age children.

Public Health England also studied the amount of fast food outlets per 100,000 residents.

In Lincoln, it found there were between 107 and 210 of these food businesses per 100,000 people, followed by East Lindsey.

The country average is altogether 86 per 100,000.

Public Health England highlighted the link between the number of fast food outlets and overall deprivation in an area.

Source: Public Health England

Source: Public Health England

Cllr Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for adult care and health at Lincolnshire County Council, said:
“A high percentage of adults in the UK are already overweight and an increasing number are obese, and this is a key issue nationally and across Lincolnshire.

“There are pockets in Lincolnshire where this is more of an issue, and it seems to be linked to factors like deprivation, rurality and people leading more sedentary lifestyles.

“Some communities are more reliant on cheap processed foods with hidden calories and fat, or may have difficulty accessing leisure facilities.

“We commission preventative services to reduce the risk of people becoming overweight and obese, such as healthy eating classes and exercise sessions, targeted at the communities where they are most needed.

“We also support those trying to lose weight, with weight management programmes.

“In 2010/11, between 8,000 and 9,000 people had participated in locally commissioned activity programmes in Lincolnshire, and 4000 adults per year in Lincolnshire are currently benefitting from a free 12-week Weight Watchers programme. Both of these are available to people through their GPs.”