March 13, 2014 2.10 pm This story is over 125 months old

Lincoln school confirms case of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever in Lincoln: The infectious childhood disease most obvious for its skin rash has been confirmed at a Lincoln primary school.

An infectious childhood disease most obvious for its skin rash has been confirmed at a Lincoln primary school.

One case of scarlet fever, a bacterial infection leaving sufferers with commonly a red rash, sore throat and fever, was found at Chad Varah School.

A second incident of scarlet fever has been reported in Lincolnshire at the Chapel St Leonards Primary School.

Lincolnshire County Council recently warned parents, nurseries and schools about the condition, which can be treated successfully with antibiotics.

Liz Morgan, Assistant Director for Public Health at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “An increase would be expected around this time of year but, following Public Health England Advice of a potential rise in reported cases across the East Midlands, we’ve raised awareness in primary schools and nurseries as a common sense measure.

“As scarlet fever is particularly contagious, it’s always best to take children to see their GP.

“In the majority of mild cases, scarlet fever will clear up by itself but antibiotics reduce symptoms, the risk of complications and of passing the infection on to someone else.”

Scarlet fever is passed on coughing, sneezing or breathing out, or being in contact with an infected person’s mucus or saliva.

It becomes apparent by a red rash that first appears on the chest or stomach before spreading, plus other symptoms include a fever, sore throat, headaches, vomiting, swollen glands, tiredness, flushed face, or a white coating on the tongue.

If a child becomes infected, it is advised they see their GP as soon as possible, and kept at home whilst they recover to stop the disease spreading.

Frequent hand washing, not sharing items such as eating utensils or bedding, and proper tissue disposal also help keep the risk of contracting the illness down too.