May 28, 2014 12.41 pm This story is over 121 months old

The 808th Mayor of Lincoln chosen

New mayor: The 808th Mayor of Lincoln will be Councillor Brent Charlesworth, replacing outgoing Mayor Councillor Patrick Vaughan.

Lincoln’s new mayor has been chosen by the City Council and will be formally elected at an event in June.

The 808th Mayor of Lincoln will be Councillor Brent Charlesworth, replacing outgoing Mayor Councillor Patrick Vaughan.

The new Sheriff will be Councillor David Jackson, and the Deputy Mayor will be Councillor Andrew Kerry.

Councillor Kath Brothwell will take up the Mayoress role for the term.

Brent Charlesworth represents Park Ward on the City Council, and will support two Lincoln-based organisations that he works with closely: DevelopmentPlus’ “Step in the Right Direction” counselling programme, and Lincoln Dial-a-Ride.

Councillor Charlesworth said: “I am very much looking forward to the year ahead, and the different opportunities and challenges it will present.

“I have worked conscientiously as Portfolio Holder for Community Cohesion and Social Inclusion, and as Mayor of Lincoln I hope to continue that work to increase tolerance, understanding and respect to bring communities new and old in Lincoln together.

“I have lived and worked in Lincoln for 11 years, though have been a regular visitor to the city since 1971 when I first came to this part of the world to work.

“It is a huge honour to be able to represent this fine city whose remarkable history extends back into the mists of time and whose future development is bright indeed.”

He will be elected as the Mayor officially in Lincoln Guildhall at the Annual Meeting of the council on June 3 from 11am.