May 27, 2014 10.43 am This story is over 124 months old

Plans to convert Lincoln West End offices into shared housing

Change of use: Developers applied to convert a large office premises in the West End of Lincoln into a multiple-occupancy home.

Developers have applied for planning permission to convert a large office premises in the West End of Lincoln into a multiple-occupancy home.

The building at 8 The Avenue is a large house converted into offices, previously accommodating the Youth Offending Team and other Lincolnshire County Council services.

The application by Paul Ramsey wants to change the use of the building from offices to a one bed apartment plus a multiple use occupancy house with eight rooms.

The property’s proximity to the University of Lincoln would make it viable as a student share house, but it’s unclear at this stage whether the applicant plans to use the converted offices in this way.

The building neighbours the NHS Step Team and Ridgeway House Care home, and Lincolnshire County Council across the street, plus other mixed use office premises.


The property at 8 The Avenue. Photo: File/The Lincolnite

The building is situated in a conservation area, which means the plans have to go through consultation and planning with the City of Lincoln Council.

This month, the City of Lincoln Council rejected plans from the Carholme Guest House on Carholme Road to become shared student accommodation, passed a clause to forbid the conversion.

A final decision will not be made on the application until late June, as residents get 21 days to voice their comments.

The application will then go to the City of Lincoln Council’s Planning Committee for a decision.

To leave a comment on the proposal, visit the application’s page on the city council website.