June 12, 2014 12.29 pm This story is over 120 months old

Second-hand wedding dress shop opens in Lincoln

Big white recycled wedding: A Lincoln entrepreneur has opened a second-hand wedding dress shop in Lincoln.

A Lincoln entrepreneur has opened a second-hand wedding and occasion dress shop in Lincoln.

Vicki Lamming from Lincoln opened her start-up business with the help of the Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme, on a budget of just £3,000.

The Bridal Room opened its doors on June 7 and has been gaining a large following on its Facebook page since.

The shop opening even saw Vicki’s mum Deborah Swan handing out leaflets on Lincoln High Street while modelling one of the dresses.

Vicki says online browsing is not how dress shopping should be done, and is encouraging people to visit the shop in The Mall on upper High Street.

From her small dressing-room-style shop, Vicki is accepting dresses that are less than three years old or in good to pristine condition and selling them for half the bought price.

She said: “During my course with the Price’s Trust I conducted a lot of market research. I joined Facebook groups and conducted surveys in order to way up the demand for this kind of market.

“A lot of people were looking for advice, and a lot of people’s budget for a wedding dress was £500. I have only got two dresses over that amount so for the majority of people it’s an affordable alternative.

“With the climate the way it is, people are looking for more ways to save money.

“I surveyed people in Lincoln and 73% of those who completed it said they were more likely to buy second hand dresses if there was a physical shop they could go in to for advice.

“I bought my dress second-hand. I found it on one of the sites online and I had to go to a woman’s house and watch her break down in tears because she had to part with it and didn’t really want to sell it.

“This way, customers can come in for advice and try on the dress without the interaction of parting someone from their beloved keepsake. That part is already over.

“For anyone wanting to make some money and some space in the wardrobe, I’m not too strict on what I take. If it’s in good condition and I can sell it I will take it. I have a dress that is 15 year’s old and the detail in it is faultless.

“The great thing about ‘old’ dresses is they will always make a comeback.

“I also have brand new dresses that people are selling because they decided on another at the last minute.

“I believe I am the only second-hand wedding dress shop in Lincoln, and I have big plans for the future. I couldn’t have done all this without the help of my friends and family.”