October 15, 2014 9.47 am This story is over 116 months old

Lincoln residents are reminded to make their vote count

Voting power: Residents are being reminded to had in their voter registration forms in order to vote next year.

Residents in Lincoln are being reminded to return their voting registration forms to ensure their vote counts.

The general election and City of Lincoln Council local elections will be taking place in May 2015.

Residents across the city that have yet to respond to previous request to register will be receiving reminders inviting them to register, to make sure they don’t miss out on voting.

This year saw the introduction of Individual Elector Registration, making it every individual’s responsibility to ensure they can vote, rather than filling out one form detailing every member of a household.

Steve Swain, Principal Democratic Officer at the city council, said: “A lot of people don’t realise they are not automatically registered to vote when they move into a new area, or wrongly assume they will be registered because they pay council tax.

“We would urge everyone to look out for their reminder letter to make sure they are registered and will be able to exercise their right to vote next year.

“It’s also worth remembering that being registered will help to maintain your credit rating.”

The quickest and easiest way to register is to go online at http://www.gov.uk/yourvotematters