October 13, 2014 9.37 am This story is over 122 months old

Lincoln UTC hosts first open day for future engineers

Engineering future: The new University Technical College in Lincoln welcomed the next year group of engineering and science students to its first open day.

The new University Technical College (UTC) in Lincoln welcomed the next year group of engineering and science students to its first open day.

Visitors to the college on Saturday, September 11, got a flavour of the business-style education and saw what the first cohort have been up for in their first few weeks since the UTC opened.

The college, which specialises in engineering and core science, is one of 13 UTCs to have opened across the country this year. The first day of term was Monday, September 8.

It is a partnership between Lincoln College, the University of Lincoln and Siemens and part of a national network of more than 30 UTCs supported by the Baker Dearing Educational Trust.

More than 180 pupils aged between 14 and 18 are studying this year and up to 640 students will eventually move into the school’s extended Greestone Centre, which is due to be finished in July 2015.