November 26, 2014 3.36 pm This story is over 122 months old

Lincoln residents say ‘hello’ for world event

Good greetings: World Hello Day in Lincoln managed to help a number of people last week, including a homeless woman.

Residents and organisation across Lincoln came together on November 21 to greet each other for World Hello Day, with one person even finding special support.

A variety of community events were held in the city to encourage people to say hello to at least 10 people they wouldn’t usually speak to.

Event included tea party and international cultures day at a local primary school, a special multi-cultural event ahead of Lincoln’s home game against Dartford at Lincoln City FC, and an event by homeless charity BeAttitude.

Volunteers from the charity were joined by the council’s Portfolio Holder for Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion, Councillor Rosanne Kirk, and city councillor Jackie Kirk, to bake and hand out cupcakes near St Mary le Wigford Church.

Though while meeting and greeting passers by, the group were approached by a woman who wanted to know what they were doing.

The Mayor of Lincoln with DialaRide users. Photo: CoLC

The Mayor of Lincoln with DialaRide users. Photo: CoLC

Cllr Kirk said: “We spoke to the woman and she told us she was homeless and didn’t know where to go. She wasn’t aware of the support available and we were able to direct her to BeAttitude for help and advice.

“This shows how rewarding and effective saying a simple ‘hello’ can be and what a difference it can make in people’s lives. Getting to know others and helping those less fortunate in our communities is what World Hello Day is all about.”

Other special hellos that day included a student member of the Polish Community Group wanting to volunteer at City Hall and a homeless customer teaching staff at reception in City Hall how to say hello in Czech.

The Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Brent Charlesworth, also visited Voluntary Centre Services (VCS) to mark the beginning of the event. He then took a trip on a DialaRide bus to a lunch event at Age UK on Park Street.

Rik Gifford, General Manager of Lincoln DialaRide, said: “I think community spirit isn’t what it used to be and any event that helps to increase the level of community spirit is a brilliant thing.

“Potentially a lot of people are prisoners in their own homes. They’re socially excluded, so events like this allow them to engage, have a good chat and a good meal.

“I think a simple thing like being in contact with your own neighbours would be a good start. A lot of people don’t know who their neighbours are.”

Bishop King Primary School. Photo: CoLC

Bishop King Primary School. Photo: CoLC

The council are thanking a number of organisations for helping to make World Hello Day a success:

  • BeAttitude
  • Lincolnshire Cooperative
  • Lincolnshire Employment Accommodation Project (LEAP)
  • LincolnShare/Revival Café
  • Lincolnshire Credit Union and Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Lincoln Castle Academy
  • Bishop King Primary School
  • Homer Lodge Carehome
  • Monks Road International Club and Lincolnshire Language and Culture Swap (LiLaCS)
  • Lincoln City Football Club Sport and Education Trust