December 22, 2014 12.25 pm This story is over 120 months old

Lincolnshire County Council signs £45m property contract with VinciMouchel

Plan for £2m savings: Lincolnshire Council Council signed off its property and facilities management contract to the VinciMouchel joint venture.

Lincolnshire County Council has now signed a five-year property and facilities management services contract with VinciMouchel, a joint venture between Vinci Facilities and Mouchel.

Lincolnshire County Council awarded the £45 million contract to VinciMouchel in August. The contract has now been officially signed by all parties and is due to start in April 2015 following the end of the current contract.

VinciMouchel will provide services for municipal buildings and schools, including total facilities management, energy management, corporate asset management, property records, valuations, traveller sites, capital project services and catering.

The new contract is estimated to give the County Council a saving of £2 million over five years, and has an option to be extended by a further five years.

Mouchel’s current 15-year contract providing the County Council’s IT, HR and finance services ends in 2015. The firm was not selected when it bid to continue providing the contract.

Instead, Serco was awarded a £71 million contract in March 2014, to deliver the council’s IT, finance and HR services, as well as take over the council’s customer service centre.

The firm would take over from Mouchel in 2015 and deliver around £14 million savings for the council over the five-year life time of the contract.

The move will see a transfer of 200 staff from the County Council and another 200 from Mouchel.

Serco will open its offices at Thomas Parker House on Silver Street for all members of staff who are transferring from the council and Mouchel in April 2015.