February 24, 2015 8.30 am This story is over 112 months old

Lincoln takeaway named and shamed for not paying minimum wage

Meeting minimum wage: A Lincoln company has been named after failing to pay one of their employees over £650 to meet minimum wage requirements.

A Lincoln Nepalese and Indian takeaway has been named and shamed for neglecting to pay minimum wage to one of its workers.

Everest Xpress Ltd, based on Lincoln High Street, failed to pay £657.03 to an employee in order to meet the legal minimum wage requirement (£6.50 per hour for people over 21).

It is one of 70 companies across the country named by the Government on Tuesday, February 24.

Between them, the 70 employers owed staff over £157,000 in under-payments

The Government has already named 92 employers since the new naming regime came into force in October 2013, bringing the total to 162.

Business Minister Jo Swinson said: “Paying less than the minimum wage is illegal, immoral and completely unacceptable.

“Naming and shaming gives a clear warning to employers who ignore the rules, that they will face reputational consequences as well as financial penalties of up to £20,000 if they don’t pay the minimum wage.

Martin Smith, GMB National Organiser, said: “Naming and shaming these 70 employers is to be welcomed as far too few wage dodging employers not paying the national minimum wage have been brought to justice.”

The companies that have been named were thoroughly investigated by HM Revenue & Customs. Employers have a duty to be aware of the different legal rates for the national minimum wage which can be found one the government website.

Update: February 24, 12pm

Kamal, owner of Everest Xpress Ltd said: “We have made national minimum wages but we did not keep a signature for cash payments, which caused this issue. We have learned biggest lesson from this and will improve system accordingly.”