April 16, 2015 7.09 am This story is over 110 months old

City of Lincoln Council election candidates – Minster ward

Local elections 2015: Five candidates are standing in Minster ward for the City of Lincoln Council elections

Some five candidates are standing in Minster ward for the City of Lincoln Council elections, which take place on May 7.

Conservative councillor David Gratrick is defending his position in the ward against candidates from parties TUSC, Green, Labour and UKIP.

The candidates standing in Minster ward are:

Carol Daniel – Labour

Carol Daniel

Carol Daniel

Age: 61

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

We need more affordable and decent homes in our area. I want to work with the City Council Environment Team to help keep our streets clean and tidy and free from rubbish, and to prevent dog fouling. I would fight any reduction in parking facilities in the area and work to improve existing parking especially near schools, nurseries and shops.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am very committed to Equality and Diversity in our society. With the support of my husband I went to college to study for my HND when I was in my thirties and our children were still in school. I have worked for employers and then was self employed for many years. I have practical experience of disability and know how hard it can be to make sure that we all have equal opportunity.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

Before I met my husband I sang for a short time in a rock band in the late sixties and early seventies.

Gavyn Graham – TUSC

Gavyn Graham

Gavyn Graham

Age: 47

Marital status: Single

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The cuts to public services affect Minster like every ward in Lincoln. I have worked with fellow TUSC candidates and campaigners in fighting the cuts throughout the last five years.

For example, I helped to organise the Save Lincolnshire Libraries demonstrations to oppose cuts and privatisation of our library services.

As a local trade unionist, I have also joined other workers like firefighters, university staff, NHS staff and council workers on the picket lines when they’ve been on strike to defend jobs, pay, pensions, and public services.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I’m the only candidate standing in Minster ward representing a party like TUSC that will fight all cuts and privatisation to our local services. The media and the austerity politicians try to make us blame immigrants for the crisis of capitalism.

Unlike the other candidates, I was proud to play a leading role in the Lincoln Against Racism and Fascism campaign to publicly oppose the poison of racism when the far-right marched through Lincoln. It’s not immigrants and people on benefits who are to blame for the capitalist crisis, it’s the bosses, the bankers and the austerity politicians!

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I’ve just become a dad again.

David Gratrick – Conservative

Age: 71

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

‘Various problems locally. City problems i.e. traffic , parking, roads, footpaths, to get Lincoln put more in the public eye, improve the transport system both road and rail. To see Lincoln continue to prosper.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?


Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I support Spurs.

Timothy Taylor – Green

Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

Age: Not provided

Marital status: Not provided

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

Focusing on improving our surroundings will make us happier and healthier. I will work to ensure that development in Minster Ward benefits the people living here by preserving open spaces.

Speaking with residents, I hear complaints of litter, rubbish and fly tipping. I will promote help with comprehensive recycling, free green bin collection and waste assistance for small traders.

With busy roads air quality needs monitoring, poor air impacts health, resulting in costs picked up by the tax payer. Poorly designed crossings and cycle ways makes car use the easy option, by walking and cycling we can reduce pollution.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am concerned about our living environment, the political emphasis that has focused on direct economic growth has compromised our quality of life.

There are areas of green open spaces in the Minster Ward that are identified on the Draft Local Plan for potential development. Housing developments that reduce our green space could lead to inequality and social problems: I propose to campaign to preserve space for recreation, focusing existing resources on improving standards of living in a way that means people in the Minster Ward will benefit.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

My family have lived in Lincoln since the 1980s, my children attended the local schools Eastgate, Westgate and Christ Hospital. I currently work as an environmental consultant, previously working in Local Government Highways and Planning.

Elaine Warde – UKIP

Elaine Warde

Elaine Warde

Age: 64

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The City Council plans are to close 27 car parks within the area. If elected I would oppose this move. I would also propose a Park and Ride scheme on the outskirts of the city.

I am committed to supporting the community and believe that we should do all we can to help with funding for Sure Start. Economically it is essential that we look at how we can support local businesses and how to invite more tourism into the area.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

UKIP are the only party showing real growth in Local Government. Our councillors come from different walks of life and I believe I understand the community in which I am standing. UKIP is not a party under any party whip and therefore if elected I will speak as the constituents representative, listen to their concerns and ensure their voice is heard. Let our local communities make the decisions via local referendums on important issues.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I enjoy very much doing family history, searching out my ancestors from way back.