April 16, 2015 3.31 pm This story is over 116 months old

Lincoln Dial-a-Ride charity to launch two new vehicles

Dial-a-Ride: A fleet of charity buses which provide transport for people with mobility issues in Lincoln is expanding with the addition of two new vehicles.

A fleet of charity buses which provide transport for people with mobility issues in Lincoln is expanding with the addition of two new vehicles.

Lincoln Area Dial-a-Ride will be joined by the Lincoln civic party to officially launch the two brand new community transport vehicles on April 17.

The new fully-wheelchair-accessible vehicles will provide many years of service to the city, providing transport for people of all ages who struggle to use public transport.

The civic party will arrive by official chauffeur, and includes the Mayor, Councillor Brent Charlesworth, the Lady Mayoress Councillor Kath Brothwell, the City Sheriff and Lady Councillor, David and Mrs Barbara Jackson.

They will arrive at 11am on Monday, April 27 2015, to the Dial-a-Ride offices at Lincoln City Bus Station, Melville Street. An official welcoming ceremony will be undertaken followed by a light buffet and reception.

Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Brent Charlesworth chose Dial-a-Ride and Age UK as his charities of the year. Photo: Emily Norton

Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Brent Charlesworth chose Dial-a-Ride and Age UK as his charities of the year. Photo: Emily Norton

Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Brent Charlesworth said: “I am delighted that one of my mayoral charities Lincoln DialaRide, whom I have supported for some years, is purchasing new vehicles, fully equipped to carry both the elderly and disabled around the city and beyond.

“DialaRide proves a vital service to those who have no car, no access to public transport or who anyway are unable to use either to get them out and about. This is a  much needed addition.”

Andrew Tysoe, who works for Dial-a-Ride, added: “We are already helping over 900 clients who struggle to use public transport to get out and about.

“These welcome additions to our fleet will help us to help meet the current and future demands in our area to help us to cope with increasing, and ageing population growth anticipated over the next few years.

“The simple aim of our charity is to help reduce isolation and loneliness caused by lack of transport options, and by offering an affordable and accessible service, we help people stay connected with their local community and services.”

Anyone who feels they, or someone they know, would benefit from help with their transport, or would like to become a volunteer driver, can contact DialaRide on 01522 544983, or email [email protected].