May 15, 2015 2.27 pm This story is over 109 months old

Knights to compete in three-day Lincoln Castle jousting tournament

Medieval tournament: Brave knights will battle it out in a three-day jousting tournament at Lincoln Castle.

Visitors to Lincoln Castle can experience a thrilling Grand Medieval Joust between Europe’s finest English, German and Welsh knights this coming Bank Holiday weekend.

From Saturday 23 to Monday, May 25, the castle will host a three-day, Medieval tournament of full-contact jousting for the honour of Lincoln.

Four brave and fully-armoured knights, mounted on horseback, will be competing, with a champion proclaimed at the end of the three days.

Jon Hogan, Marketing and Events Manager, said: “We’re bringing together some of Europe’s finest jousters for an exciting spectacle – the likes of which Lincoln has not seen for many a year!

“People can choose to cheer on Sir Edward, Sir Mark, Sir Wolfgang or Sir Stephen, as they battle it out in a bone-crunching display of skill and bravery.

“Added to this, we have a full supporting cast of costumed performers to immerse visitors in medieval England of the 15th Century.

“During this period, there were many conflicts and battles as knights, men-at-arms and soldiers battled in what we now know as The Wars of the Roses, and some of those soldiers will be present.

“Visitors can also sample medieval life in the living history encampment of the Lincoln Castle Garrison.

“There’ll be a medieval surgeon – not for the faint hearted – while younger visitors can take a turn in our Junior Knight School.

“Don’t miss out on all the fun!”

The first competition each day will be a ‘skill at arms’ contest at 12 noon. In this display, the knights exercise their horses and first show their prowess with a variety of weapons – a good chance to choose your favourite.

Then, at 2pm, people can watch the knights being helped into their medieval armour by their squires, before they take to the jousting arena or ‘lists’ at 3pm.

Tickets cost £12 for adults, £9.60 for concessions and £7.20 for children. Family tickets (for 2 adults and up to 3 children) are also available for £31.20.

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Tickets include admission to the event and all the castle’s attractions, including the Medieval Wall Walk, Victorian Prison and David PJ Ross Magna Carta Vault. They also include a free return visit.

The Lincoln Castle Shuttle Bus provides a quick and easy way to reach the site. The service runs every 15 to 20 minutes, seven days a week between Whisby Garden Centre (off the Teal Park roundabout on the A46) and Lincoln Newport, quickly taking visitors from the outskirts of the city to the heritage quarter.