June 5, 2015 3.53 pm This story is over 114 months old

Major coup as Siemens announces closer ties with University of Lincoln

Major honour: The University of Lincoln has been named one of Siemens’ Global Principal Partners for its research and development collaborations with the engineering giant.

The University of Lincoln has been named one of Siemens’ Global Principal Partners for its research and development work with the engineering giant.

Lincoln now joins Newcastle, Cambridge and Manchester universities in the global engagement scheme, which offers increased levels of support for Siemens Research and Development and graduate recruitment.

It comes two years after the university was awarded Principal Partner status in recognition of its collaborative relationship with the global company in the development of the award-winning Lincoln School of Engineering.

The School of Engineering is currently being expanded with the construction of the Isaac Newton Building. Image: UoL

The School of Engineering is currently being expanded with the construction of the Isaac Newton Building. Image: UoL

Professor Tim Gordon, Head of the School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, said: “It is a great honour to join other leading universities as Global Principal Partner.

“This represents the close collaboration between the university and Siemens which builds up a talent pipeline and attracts high quality students to the university and ultimately to the Siemens workforce.”

Juergen Maier, Chief Executive of Siemens, said: “We are delighted to celebrate our collaboration with the UK’s top universities.

“Siemens has a very long heritage of innovation in the UK, which has helped to make us one of the country’s leading engineering companies.

“We look forward to strengthening these university relationships and working together on projects that will keep the UK at the forefront of technology innovation.”

Siemens currently employs around 1,500 people across its three sites in Lincoln, and secured a major £30 million contract in February of this year.

Work is also underway on the extension to the Siemens Product Training School, based at the University of Lincoln, with the help of a further £500,000 contribution from the company.