August 31, 2015 12.47 pm This story is over 108 months old

Lincolnshire Co-op staff to complete 10 days of 10ks for teenage cancer charity

Fundraising challenge: Four Lincolnshire Co-op colleagues will be completing 10km every day for 10 days straight for a teenage cancer charity.

Four brave colleagues from Lincolnshire Co-op will be completing 10km every day for 10 days straight in a fundraising challenge for charity.

Ben James, Nicky Flower, Kaye Robinson and Anna-Marie Cowan-Clarke will be running, cycling, cross-training and walking their way to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

The challenge will see them cover 400km between them, and all starts on Monday, September 7. For the rest of the week, the team will clock up the kilometres in their own time.

However, supporters will be able to cheer them on at Saxilby and Birchwood Food Stores from 11.30am on Saturday, September 12, where they’ll be using a running machine and exercise bikes in store.

The gruelling challenge is expected to end on Wednesday, September 16, when Ben, Nicky, Kaye and Anna-Marie will begin their last 10km at Bracebridge Heath Food Store at 2pm.

Community Co-ordinator Ben James said: “We’ve been wanting to do a challenge for a while and then I said I was going to run 10km, the girls joined in and it spiralled from there.

“I think our legs are going to be in tatters by the end but it’s all for a great cause.

“This is an endurance challenge to help those who have to fight cancer every day. Hopefully people will think, wow that’s quite a lot, and sponsor us.”

Lincolnshire Co-op employees have raised more than £45,000 for Teenage Cancer Trust so far this year.

People can sponsor the team here.