September 16, 2015 4.49 pm This story is over 112 months old

Lincoln community in uproar as footpath is fenced off without warning

Up in arms: Furious Lincoln residents have vowed to fight the closure of a well-used footpath in the city.

Lincoln residents have vowed to fight the sudden closure of a well-used footpath in the city.

The alleyway between Birchwood Avenue and Ridgewell Close has been blocked off since 7pm on the evening of Sunday, September 13, with residents claiming that the fencing has been put up by a nearby landowner.

A sign reading “Private: no public access or right way” is at one end of the alleyway, next to the Co-op store.

The sign put up at one end of the alleyway

The sign put up at one end of the alleyway

Residents have reacted angrily to the closure, and have taken to social media to express their frustration.

One resident Jackie Furness said: “It’s a well-used public footpath by everyone in the community. It’s been extremely inconvenient for people who are now having to do long detours to get to where they are going.

“There will be rubbish chucked over now and it will become overgrown and attract vermin. I will fight this all the way to have the fencing removed and the path reopened.”

Joanne Richards added: “My kids use that path in the morning and at night just so they don’t have to walk down the main road first thing in the morning with all the traffic.

“Now children are having to walk down a busy road just to get to school.”

The footpath is a popular cut through for the local community

The footpath is a popular cut through for the local community

Lincolnshire County Council is currently investigating the closure of the footpath and are considering the next steps available to them.

Dave Underwood, principal highways officer at the council, said: “We are aware that a fence has been constructed across a footpath. Lincolnshire County Council takes all matters of obstruction of the highway seriously and considers each case on its own merits.

“We will take the necessary enforcement action as it deemed appropriate to this particular matter.”